Category:Family Law

HomeCategory: Family Law

What to Consider if You Are Cohabiting

Family Law
There are several factors to bear in mind when cohabiting with your partner, as you are not married or in a civil partnership legal issues can arise later. Such as: If one of them had already bought their home when

The Rise of Platonic Parenting – What you should know

Family Law
What is Platonic Parenting? As the conventional notions of what we consider a standard family change, many people are choosing to raise children together but without any romantic involvement. This is known as, platonic parenting. This differs from more common terms such

The Legal Issues with Cohabitation

Family Law
Cohabitation or marriage/civil partnership? For many couples living together has become one of the first steps towards a committed relationship, many choose to settle with just that.  Others don’t get round to organising the wedding they fantasied about or can’t

Is there a Gender Bias of Child Arrangements after a breakup?

Family Law
When a couple divorce, the starting point for the division of their assets always instigates equality – 50/50. Therefore, why is the same rule of thumb not used when dividing the time spent with the children? It has become the

Divorce Day

Family Law
Divorce Day’ refers to the first Monday that everyone returns fully to work, a day when family lawyers reportedly receive an influx of enquiries from people wanting to separate. Many couples, particularly those with children, may not want to split

The Rise of The Digital Divorce

Family Law
Married couples will soon be able to apply for divorce online as part of a £1bn change to the justice system. The Ministry of Justice said the scheme, which was being tested at three sites in the UK, would be

Burials at Home

Family Law ,Will & Lasting Power Attorney
Burials usually take place in purpose-designed cemeteries and churchyards, but there are some alternative burial options which can be considered. Wealthy families with large estates have, for centuries, built a mausoleum or burial chambers and vaults on their land, for